Quickstart Guide

PyCytoData is a package that allows you to manage, download, and work with your CyTOF datasets. It aims to create a unified interface, like that of Seurat in the single cell universe. This guide walks you through the gist of the package, and with this, you will be able to use this package without much of an issue at all. For more detailed tutorials, check out the Tutorial section of the docmentation.

Loading Datasets

In this package, we provide a nice interface for you to load CyTOF datasets. We offer two modes: you can either bring your own dataset (BYOD) or you can use one of the existing benchmark datasets. The former allows for the most flexibity whereas the latter is great for comparing your results with thoese who have already walked this path.

Benchmark Datasets

Currently, we support three benchmark datasets:



Levine 13-dim


Levine 32-dim




As you may recognize, they are famous datasets that have been used numerous times in the past. In fact, we use the HDCytoData interface for downloading such data! To load these datasets, all you need to do is the following:

>>> from PyCytoData import DataLoader

>>> exprs = DataLoader.load_dataset(dataset = "levine13")
Would you like to download levine13? [y/n]y
Download in progress...
This may take quite a while, go grab a coffee or cytomulate it!
>>> type(exprs)
<class 'PyCytoData.data.PyCytoData'>

Now you have a PyCytoData object to work with. The good news is that we cache all datasets once you have downloaded them, meaning that there is no need to download them again and again, which will save you time and bandwidth. The next time you load the same dataset, you will no longer see the prompt:

>>> from PyCytoData import DataLoader
>>> exprs = DataLoader.load_dataset(dataset = "levine13")

And of course, there are a few customization options you can have. For levine32 and samusik which have more than one sample, you can choose to load specific samples instead of loading them all (this will save you some RAM):

>>> from PyCytoData import DataLoader
>>> exprs = DataLoader.load_dataset(dataset = "levine32", sample = ["AML08"])

or in the case of samusik:

>>> from PyCytoData import DataLoader
>>> exprs = DataLoader.load_dataset(dataset = "samusik", sample = ["01", "05"])
>>> exprs.n_samples

If you load multiple samples, they will be combined into one PyCytoData, but sample indices are preserved for you to subset and distinguish later one if you prefer.


The only preprocessing that you need to do is arcsinh transformation. All other steps have been performed.

Bring Your Own Dataset (BYOD)

Just as you can load your benchmark datasets easily, we also allow you to use your own CyTOF datasets that you like. This offers the best flexibility. To do so, we have a FileIO class at your disposal:

>>> from PyCytoData import FileIO
>>> exprs = FileIO.load_expression("Your_File_Path", col_names = True)

This returns a PyCytoData object! And you can access your expression matrix and chennels names with the following attributes:

>>> exprs.expression_matrix
>>> exprs.channels

And of course, if you don’t have the first row as channel names, you can turn the option off:

>>> exprs = FileIO.load_expression("Your_File_Path", col_names = False)

In this case, no channel names will be stored. For more in-depth guide on IO and all its functionalities, please head to the tutorials section and read the IO Guide.

The PyCytoData Object

As you have seen in the previous section, the FileIO.load_expression method returns a PyCytoData object instead of an array. This is intentional: we want to group things together. The PyCytoData object is able to store not only the expression matrix, but also cell types, sample indices, and other metadata! Furthermore, it automatically checks for errors when you manipulate these metadata. This makes it much less likely that things go sideways when you work with your CyTOF data in your experiment. This section shows you a little bit on how this works.

Accessing Attributes

This is easy and pythonic:

>>> exprs.expression_matrix
>>> exprs.channels
>>> exprs.cell_types
>>> exprs.sample_index

And the attributes are self-explanatory as well! By the same token, you can set these attributes yourself! For example, when you load an expression matrix as a PyCytoData object, there are no cell types. You can set them accordingly:

>>> exprs.cell_types = cell_types

The setter method will ensure that dimension matches.


The object automatically computes a few metadata and they are automatically updated as well:

>>> exprs.n_cells
>>> exprs.n_cell_types
>>> exprs.n_samples
>>> exprs.n_channels

These are implemented most for convenience and error checking! You don’t have to work with arrays’ shape any more: you can simply refer to these dimensions by name!


You can not only store your data with PyCytoData, but you can also do things with them. You can preprocess your data and then run DR with the same object with the following verbs:

  • preprocess()

  • run_dr_methods()

Both of them will be further documented in the tutorials section.

Create Your PyCytoData Object

The constructor is very easy to use:

>>> from PyCytoData import PyCytoData
>>> exprs = PyCytoData(expression_matrix = expression_matrix,
...                    channels = channels,
...                    cell_types = cell_types,
...                    sample_index = sample_index,
...                    lineage_channels = lineage_channels)

All the parameters are self-explanatory as well! The only thing that you may be unfamiliar with is lineage_channels, which delineates actual lineage channels from other instrument channels, such as Bead and time channel.


We offer a full suite of preprocessing workflows at your disposal. The easiest way is simply perform it on your PyCytoData object:

>>> exprs.preprocess(arcsinh=True,
...                  gate_debris_removal=True,
...                  gate_intact_cells=True,
...                  gate_live_cells=True,
...                  gate_center_offset_residual=True,
...                  bead_normalization=True)
Runinng Arcsinh transformation...
Runinng debris remvoal...
Runinng gating intact cells...
Runinng gating live cells...
Runinng gating Center, Offset, and Residual...
Runinng bead normalization...

These are the six steps if you choose to do everything, but you can of course pick and choose. It also depends the dataset you have: if your dataset doesn’t have a lot of instrument channels, it’s likely been processed already! We detect these channels automatically. For more details on each preprocessing step, go look at our CyTOF Data Preprocessing page.

Integration with CytofDR

The good news is that PyCytoData supports a CytofDR interface as an optional extension of this package. After loading in your data and performing all your necessary preprocessing steps, you can run DR methods by simply calling a wrapper:

>>> exprs.run_dr_methods(methods = ["PCA", "UMAP", "ICA"])
Running PCA
Running ICA
Running UMAP
>>> type(exprs.reductions)
<class 'CytofDR.dr.Reductions'>

And then you can perform any downstream DR workflows supported by CytofDR. Of course, if you’re aware of the run_dr_methods methods from CytofDR, you know that this is the “easy” mode. For more advanced usage, you can set the exprs.reductions attribute with a Reductions object. More information on the latter can be found at length on the CytofDR Documentation website.