Source code for PyCytoData.preprocess

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

[docs]def arcsinh(data: ArrayLike, channels: Optional[ArrayLike]=None, transform_channels: Optional[ArrayLike]=None, cofactor: int=5) -> np.ndarray: """Arcsinh transformation for CyTOF data. Arcsinh transformation is often the first step to preprocessing data. This function flexibly allows users to transform their data at a cofactor of their choice and to specify a transformation of their choice. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns, defaults to None :type channels: ArrayLike, optional :param transform_channels: The channels to transformed as specify by name, defaults to None :type transform_channels: ArrayLike, optional :param cofactor: The cofactor, defaults to 5 :type cofactor: int :return: The arcsinh transformed expression matrix. :rtype: ArrayLike """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if channels is None or (channels is not None and transform_channels is None): return np.arcsinh(data/cofactor) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(transform_channels, np.ndarray): transform_channels = np.array(transform_channels) channels = channels.flatten() transform_channels = transform_channels.flatten() data[:,np.isin(channels, transform_channels)] = np.arcsinh(data[:,np.isin(channels, transform_channels)]/cofactor) return data
[docs]def gate_debris_removal(data: ArrayLike, channels: ArrayLike, bead_channels: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Pre-gating to remove debris. This is a first step of the gating procedures to remove debris. Channels names and bead channel names are needed. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns, defaults to None :type channels: ArrayLike :param bead_channels: The bead channels as specify by name, defaults to None :type bead_channels: ArrayLike :return: The gated expression matrix or an array of indices. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(bead_channels, np.ndarray): bead_channels = np.array(bead_channels) channels = channels.flatten() bead_channels = bead_channels.flatten() bead_exp: np.ndarray = np.mean(data[:, np.isin(channels, bead_channels)], axis=1) cutoff_bead: float = np.mean(bead_exp) + np.std(bead_exp)*3 indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) return_tup: List = list() return_tup.append(data[bead_exp < cutoff_bead,:]) return_tup.append(indices[bead_exp < cutoff_bead]) return tuple(return_tup)
[docs]def gate_intact_cells(data: ArrayLike, channels: ArrayLike, DNA_channels: ArrayLike, cutoff_DNA_sd: float=2) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Gating for intact cells. This gating procedure gates for intact cells following the debris removal procedure. All channel names and DNA channel names needed. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns, defaults to None :type channels: ArrayLike :param DNA_channels: The DNA channels as specify by name, defaults to None :type DNA_channels: ArrayLike :param cutoff_DNA_sd: The number of standard deviations away from the mean to use as a cutoff for DNA channels, defaults to 2. :type cutoff_DNA_sd: float :return: A tuple of the gated expression matrix and indices based on original data. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(DNA_channels, np.ndarray): DNA_channels = np.array(DNA_channels) channels = channels.flatten() DNA_channels = DNA_channels.flatten() cutoff_DNA1_se: float = cutoff_DNA_sd*np.std(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])])/3 cutoff_DNA2_se: float = cutoff_DNA_sd*np.std(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])])/3 cutoff_DNA1_upper: float = np.mean(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])]) + cutoff_DNA1_se cutoff_DNA1_lower: float = np.mean(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])]) - cutoff_DNA1_se cutoff_DNA2_upper: float = np.mean(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])]) + cutoff_DNA2_se cutoff_DNA2_lower: float = np.mean(data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])]) - cutoff_DNA2_se indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) return_tup: List = list() return_tup.append(data[np.where((data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])] > cutoff_DNA1_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])] < cutoff_DNA1_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])] > cutoff_DNA2_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])] < cutoff_DNA2_upper).flatten())[0],:]) return_tup.append(indices[np.where((data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])] > cutoff_DNA1_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[0])] < cutoff_DNA1_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])] > cutoff_DNA2_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, DNA_channels[1])] < cutoff_DNA2_upper).flatten())[0]]) return tuple(return_tup)
[docs]def gate_live_cells(data: ArrayLike, channels: ArrayLike, dead_channel: ArrayLike, cutoff_quantile: float=0.03) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Gating for live cells. This gating procedure gates for living cells following the gating procedure for intact cells. All channel names and 'Dead' channel names needed. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns, defaults to None :type channels: ArrayLike :param dead_channel: The dead channels as specify by name, defaults to None :type dead_channel: ArrayLike :param cutoff_quantile: The top quantile to be excluded, defaults to 0.03. :type cutorff_quantile: float :return: A tuple of the gated expression matrix and indices based on original data. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] :raises ValueError: More than 1 "Dead" channel provided. """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(dead_channel, np.ndarray): dead_channel = np.array(dead_channel) channels = channels.flatten() dead_channel = dead_channel.flatten() if dead_channel.shape[0] > 1: raise ValueError("Only 1 'Dead' channel allowed.") cutoff_dead: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, dead_channel)], 1-cutoff_quantile) indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) return_tup: List = list() return_tup.append(data[(data[:, np.isin(channels, dead_channel)] < cutoff_dead).flatten(),:]) return_tup.append(indices[(data[:, np.isin(channels, dead_channel)] < cutoff_dead).flatten()]) return tuple(return_tup)
[docs]def gate_center_offset_residual(data: ArrayLike, channels: ArrayLike, cor_channels: ArrayLike, cutoff_quantile: float=0.03) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Gating for center, offser, and residual cells. This gating procedure gates for cells using the center, offset, and residual channels. All channel names and the three channels are needed. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns, defaults to None :type channels: ArrayLike :param cor_channels: The center, offset, and residual channels as specify by name, defaults to None :type cor_channels: ArrayLike :param cutoff_quantile: The top and bottom quantile to be excluded, defaults to 0.03. :type cutoff_quantile: float :return: A tuple of the gated expression matrix and indices based on original data. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(cor_channels, np.ndarray): cor_channels = np.array(cor_channels) channels = channels.flatten() cor_channels = cor_channels.flatten() cutoff0_upper: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])], 1-cutoff_quantile) cutoff0_lower: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])], cutoff_quantile) cutoff1_upper: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])], 1-cutoff_quantile) cutoff1_lower: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])], cutoff_quantile) cutoff2_upper: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])], 1-cutoff_quantile) cutoff2_lower: float = np.quantile(data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])], cutoff_quantile) indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) return_tup: List = list() return_tup.append(data[np.where((data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])] > cutoff0_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])] < cutoff0_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])] > cutoff1_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])] < cutoff1_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])] > cutoff2_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])] < cutoff2_upper).flatten())[0],:]) return_tup.append(indices[np.where((data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])] > cutoff0_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[0])] < cutoff0_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])] > cutoff1_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[1])] < cutoff1_upper).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])] > cutoff2_lower).flatten() & (data[:,np.isin(channels, cor_channels[2])] < cutoff2_upper).flatten())[0]]) return tuple(return_tup)
[docs]def bead_normalization(data: ArrayLike, channels: ArrayLike, bead_channels: ArrayLike, time_channel: ArrayLike, transform_channels: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Bead normalization to correct time-shift throughout an experiment. Sometimes, CyTOF has a phenomenon known as time-dependent shift, meaning that the over expression becomes biased over time. To correct this, bead normaliztion is used. :param data: The expression matrix array of two dimensions. :type data: ArrayLike :param channels: The channel names of the expression matrix in the order of the columns :type channels: ArrayLike :param bead_channels: The bead channels as specify by name :type bead_channels: ArrayLike :param time_channel: The time channels as specify by name :type time_channel: ArrayLike :param transform_channels: The transform channels to apply the normalization as specify by name :type transform_channels: ArrayLike :return: A tuple of the normalized expression matrix and indices based on original data. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] :raises ValueError: More than 1 "Time" channel provided. """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) if not isinstance(channels, np.ndarray): channels = np.array(channels) if not isinstance(bead_channels, np.ndarray): bead_channels = np.array(bead_channels) if not isinstance(time_channel, np.ndarray): time_channel = np.array(time_channel) if not isinstance(transform_channels, np.ndarray): transform_channels = np.array(transform_channels) channels = channels.flatten() time_channel = time_channel.flatten() bead_channels = bead_channels.flatten() transform_channels = transform_channels.flatten() if time_channel.shape[0] > 1: raise ValueError("Only 1 'Time' channel allowed.") indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) intervals: np.ndarray = np.round(data[:,np.isin(channels, time_channel)]/np.max(data[:,np.isin(channels, time_channel)])*200).flatten() unique_intervals: np.ndarray = np.unique(intervals) # Remove aberrant data i: int interval_mean: np.ndarray = np.empty((unique_intervals.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=float) for i in range(0, unique_intervals.shape[0]): interval_mean[i] = np.mean(data[np.isin(intervals, unique_intervals[i]),:], axis=0) keep: np.ndarray = np.full((unique_intervals.shape[0],), 0) for c in bead_channels: keep += (interval_mean[:,np.isin(channels, c)] > np.quantile(interval_mean[:,np.isin(channels, c)], 0.05)).astype(int).flatten() keep = keep > (bead_channels.shape[0]/2) unique_intervals = unique_intervals[keep] data = data[np.isin(intervals, unique_intervals),:] indices = indices[np.isin(intervals, unique_intervals)] # Normalization intervals: np.ndarray = np.round(data[:,np.isin(channels, time_channel)]/np.max(data[:,np.isin(channels, time_channel)])*200).flatten() # type: ignore unique_intervals: np.ndarray = np.unique(intervals) interval_mean: np.ndarray = np.empty((unique_intervals.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=float) # type: ignore for i in range(0, unique_intervals.shape[0]): interval_mean[i] = np.mean(data[np.isin(intervals, unique_intervals[i]),:], axis=0) for c in bead_channels: data[:,np.isin(channels, c)] = data[:, np.isin(channels, c)]/np.mean(data[:, np.isin(channels, c)]) #type: ignore if bead_channels.shape[0] > 1: cormat: np.ndarray = np.corrcoef(interval_mean[:, np.isin(channels, bead_channels)], rowvar=False) np.fill_diagonal(cormat, -1) cormat[np.tril_indices_from(cormat)] = -1 max_cor: int = np.argmax(cormat) #type: ignore cor_indices: List[int] = list(np.unravel_index(max_cor, [cormat.shape[0], cormat.shape[1]])) #type: ignore bead_channels = bead_channels[cor_indices] correct_f: np.ndarray = np.mean(interval_mean[:, np.isin(channels, bead_channels)], axis=1) correct_f_full: np.ndarray = np.empty(intervals.shape[0]) for i in range(0, unique_intervals.shape[0]): correct_f_full[np.isin(intervals, unique_intervals[i])] = correct_f[i] correct_f_full = correct_f_full/np.mean(correct_f_full) keep = correct_f_full > 0 for c in transform_channels: data[:, np.isin(channels, c)] = data[:, np.isin(channels, c)]/(correct_f_full.reshape(data.shape[0], 1)) #type: ignore return data[keep,:], indices[keep] #type: ignore